St.Peter’s Major Altarpiece (Terrassa) - Lluís Borrassà

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St. Peter's Major Altarpiece is a gothic altarpiece, that was made by one of the most important international gothic painters: Lluís Borrassà, between 1411 and 1414. This altarpiece is located in St. Peter church in Terrassa (a city that are very near to Barcelona), that is part of the Seu d'Ègara, a notable set of the romanic churches. The St. Peter's Major Altarpiece is dedicated to the patron of the church: St. Peter. So that was the reason of the theme of the retable, the episodes of St. Peter's life. The problem is that in the 18th century the altarpiece was replaced by another neoclassical altarpiece, and the gothic altarpiece was mutilated. This is the reason that nowadays we only have the panels of the altarpiece. It is a problematic situation, because we have difficultes to do a digital reconstruction because we don't have the structure and the other parts of the altarpiece (the predela and the tabernacle). But there are different theorists that have been investigating the possibilities of the retable, these are Gudiol Ricart (1953), Ruiz Quesada (2005) and Alcolea Blanch (2012). At the moment, Museu de Terrassa have the 14 panels of St. Peter's Major Altarpiece, because there are 2 panels (located in the predela) that are in another museums (Fogg Art Museum and Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya) and another 2 tables that dissapeared.

Identifiers Category Type Condition Origin Period
Not specified Furnishing & Equipment Altarpiece
Getty AAT: 300075940
Destroyed Not specified

Year Time Frame Creator Creator ID
1411 1st Half of the 15th Century Lluís Borrassà Wikidata: 103894007

Address Coordinates City ID
Seu D´ègara, 08222 Terrassa, Barcelona, Spain 41° 34' 10" N , 2° 1' 6" E GeoNames: 3108286

Available sources
Type Holder Author Creation Date Content
Historical research Not specified 1953
Historical research Not specified 2005
Historical research Not specified 2012

Digital Reconstructions
Prefix Covered Time Frame Dataset License Authors
AlLbTe_1411 1411 Attribution (CC-BY) Cristina Troya Betrian
Queralt Rodríguez Campaña