Synagogue Maharsala in Lublin
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The Maharshal synagogue in Lublin, also called The Great Synagogue, was pride and glory of the Jews of Lublin. Located at the foot of the castle hill, it was the biggest Jewish building in Lublin. The synagogue was built around 1567. At the same time, the Jewish community received permission to build the first yeshiva, which was housed in the synagogue building. The fame of this yeshiva was so great that Jewish students from all over Europe came to study there. The synagogue was named in honor of the Lublin rector and rabbi Solomon Luria, known as Maharshal
Identifiers | Category | Type | Condition | Origin Period |
Not specified | Single Built Work | Not specified Getty AAT: 300007590 |
Destroyed | Not specified |
Year | Time Frame | Creator | Creator ID |
Unknown | Unkown | Unkown | - |
Address | Coordinates | City ID |
Zamkowa 6, 20-400 Lublin, Poland | 51° 15' 4" N , 22° 34' 20" E | GeoNames: 765876 |
Digital Reconstructions
Prefix | Covered Time Frame | Dataset License | Authors |
SyLub1866 | 1866 | Attribution (CC-BY) | Justin Mortier |