Janowiec Synagogue

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The synagogue in Janowiec was built around the mid-18th century on the slope of the Wisła River. It stood about 15 meters tall, with a rectangular layout (20 x 30 meters) and limestone walls supported by angled buttresses. The building featured a two-story hipped roof covered with wooden shingles. The main hall, nearly square (10.30 x 9.20 meters), was divided into men's and women's sections, with the latter accessed via staircases. Its interior included a two-story aron ha-kodesh with Baroque decorations, a central bima surrounded by a balustrade, and polychrome murals depicting religious symbols and texts. The synagogue was burned by the National Socialists in October 1940, destroying its structure and valuable documents. In the 1950s, a wooden manor house was relocated to the site but no longer exists today.

Identifiers Category Type Condition Origin Period
Wikidata: Q131429280 Single Built Work Synagogue
Getty AAT: 300007590
Destroyed Not specified

Year Time Frame Creator Creator ID
Unknown Unkown Unkown -

Address Coordinates City ID
24-123 Janowiec, Poland 51° 19' 25" N , 21° 53' 25" E GeoNames: 3097594

Available sources
Creation Date Type Title Holder Author
Not provided of Janowiec Synagogue Not specified Unkown

Digital Reconstructions
Prefix Covered Time Frame Dataset License Authors
SyJan18th XVIII century Universal (CC0 1.0) Feld Sylvie
Schweizer Moritz
Doerhoefer Eva