Synagogue in Łańcut

Creator ID
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The synagogue in Łańcut is a desecrated synagogue on Jan-III-Sobieski-Straße No. 16 in Landshut, the district capital of the district of Powiat Łańcucki in the Polish Carpathian foothips. The synagogue is under monument protection. The synagogue was built in 1761 on the site of a predecessor building from 1610. Noteworthy is the Bima with works from 1906, which show scenes from the Tanach: Abraham and Izchak, Adam and Chavva, Cain and Abel and Noah's Ark.

Identifiers Category Type Condition Origin Period
Wikidata: Q178728 Single Built Work Synagogue
Getty AAT: 300007590
Preserved Baroque

Year Time Frame Creator Creator ID
1761 2nd half of the 18th century Unkown -

Address Coordinates City ID
9F223292+22 50° 4' 3" N , 22° 13' 54" E GeoNames: 766810

Digital Reconstructions
Prefix Covered Time Frame Dataset License Authors
SyŁań1933 1930-1933 Universal (CC0 1.0) Constantin Satzek
Finn Höhler
Roman Lange