House hut in Santa Tecla Castro

Creator ID
The castro of Santa Tecla is an archaeological site located on the hillsides of Mount Santa Trega, in the southwestern Galician municipality of A Guarda, Spain.    It's a ‘Castro-Roman’ settlement, inhabited between 100 BC (or earlier) and 100 AD, in a period when the process of Romanisation of the northwest of the Iberian peninsula had already begun. Despite this, the construction system reflects techniques that respect the Castro tradition and has seen very little Roman influence. This style is dominated by the use of circular structures. Only a small percentage of the estimated size of the settlement has been excavated so far.     Considering the lack of recent archaeological interventions, this project aims to recreate one of the Celtic dwellings of this settlement taking into account the most recent discussions.      The hut that has been reconstructed is not based on any particular one at the site, mainly because we don't have reliable enough information on any of them to completely reconstruct it. The reconstruction, then, has tried to create an archetype of housing from well-documented and generalized parts of various houses on the site.  

Identifiers Category Type Condition Origin Period
Wikidata: Q43112469 Single Built Work Hut
Getty AAT: 300004824
Destroyed Roman period in Spain
PeriodO: 99152/p06c6g3m4tt

Year Time Frame Creator Creator ID
-100 100 BC - 100 AD Unkown -

Address Coordinates City ID
V4VJ+43 A Guarda, Spain 41° 53' 34" N , 8° 52' 11" W GeoNames: 6360225

Digital Reconstructions
Prefix Covered Time Frame Dataset License Authors
SanTecCast-100BC 100 BC-100 AD Attribution-NonCommercial (CC-BY-NC) Joan Ibáñez