Synagogue Nowy Korczyn

Virtual reconstruction of the former Nowy Korczyn synagogue. According to records, the synagogue in Nowy Korczyn, a Polish town in the Holy Cross Voivodeship, was built in the second half of the 17th century on the basis of a privilege granted by King Jan II. Kazimierz granted in 1659. In 1724, the synagogue was rebuilt after being destroyed in the Northern War. During the German occupation of Poland in the Second World War and in the following years, a second storey was added halfway up, which temporarily served as storage. Abandoned and dilapidated, it became a ruin. However, since it has been registered as a cultural monument since 1958, walls were secured and the western part and the portico were roofed over. The rubble inside the synagogue was removed and the surroundings cleaned and tidied up. It was only in 2012 that it was saved from collapse and progressive decay. The redrawing of the building construction is based on an undated set of plans.

Identifiers Category Type Condition Origin Period
Wikidata: Q9349947 Single Built Work Synagogue
Getty AAT: 300007590
Ruined Not specified

Year Time Frame Creator Creator ID
Unknown Unkown Unkown -

Address Coordinates City ID
Zamkowa, 28-136 Nowy Korczyn, Poland 50° 18' 4" N , 20° 48' 27" E GeoNames: 763545

Available sources
Creation Date Type Title Holder Author
Not provided Photographic documentation of Synagogue Nowy Korczyn by Jana Arning, Lena Schniering, Carla Flohr Not specified Unkown

Digital Reconstructions
Prefix Covered Time Frame Dataset License Authors
SyNoKo1659_alfa 1659 Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC-BY-NC-SA) Jana Arning
Lena Schniering
Carla Flohr
SyNoKo 1659 Not specified