Pilica Synagogue (1914) reconstructed by Michał Majchrzak, Miłosz Kazuła
Prefix | Object | Time Frame | Accuracy | Shapes Representation | Materials Representation |
SyPil1914 | Pilica Synagogue | 1914 | 1:150 | Idealistic based on project drawings | Symbolic based on historical photos |
Part of the project
Name | Full Name | Type | Time Span |
INT CoVHer-2023 | 1st INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON DIGITAL 3D HERITAGE. Exploring 3D- Modelling in Education, Documentation and Dissemination | Workshop (students) | 2023-09-06 - 2023-09-13 |
Picture | Person | Person ID | Affiliation | Role | |
Piotr Kuroczyński | Hochschule Mainz - University of Applied Sciences |
Igor Bajena | Hochschule Mainz - University of Applied Sciences University of Bologna |
Used sources
Type | Creation Date | Title | Holder |
Building survey | before 1937 | Building survey of Pilica Synagogue by Joanna Sikora | Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences |
Type | Title | File | Link |
Report | Decisions documentation in IDOVIR | TUL_Pilica_IDOVIR.pdf | https://idovir.com/app/p/clhga09ap005z3z0ipfic0qgj |
Graphic | Poster explaining used methodology of uncertainty evaluation of reconstruction | TUL_Pilica_matrix.pdf | Not published |
Presentation | Project presentation | TUL_Pilica_presentation.pptx | Not published |
Report | Evaluation of project results | Evaluation-of-the-project-results-Pilica.pdf | Not published |
Reconstruction Models
Type | Title | Based on | Author | Software | Files | ||||||
Version | 1.1. SyPil1914 | ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ | Revit 2023 |
Type | Title | Derivative from | Attachments | 3D Files | ||||||
AR | 1.1. SyPil1914 ar: kARtka z synagogą | 1.1. SyPil1914 | 2024-05-06_Pilica_kARtka.pdf |
3D Print | 1.1. SyPil1914 3d_print: SLA Print, Form 2 | 1.1. SyPil1914 | ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ |