Propylées de Paris reconstructed by Raffaele Ragusa, Nicole Bacchi, Jasmine Pancaldi

Dataset License
Universal (CC0 1.0)
Creator ID
Authored on

Prefix Object Time Frame Accuracy Shapes Representation Materials Representation
PrPa30-31 Propylées de Paris 1:50 / 1:10 Idealistic based on project drawings Not specified

Cultural Heritage Object
Preview Condition Category Origin ID set Creator
Never-realised Single Built Work XVIIIth century Not specified Claude Nicolas Ledoux

Person Person ID Affiliation E-mail
Raffaele Ragusa (student) ORCID: 0009-0001-1813-9794 Department of Architecture, University of Bologna
Nicole Bacchi Not provided Not specified Not provided
Jasmine Pancaldi Not provided Not specified Not provided

Person Person ID Affiliation E-mail Role
Federico Fallavollita, Riccardo Foschi Not specified Not specified Supervision

Type Title Link File
Not specified Not specified Not provided

Reconstruction Models
Type Title Based on Author Software Files
Variant 1.2. PrPa30-31 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ Rhino 7 (581) / Blender
Native Format