3D Reconstruction of Synagogues: Elective Seminar for 8th semester in Architecture Studies at the Warsaw University of Technology, Summer Semester 2021/2022

Creator ID
Igor Bajena
Authored on
In the course Digital Reconstruction of Lost Architecture, 3D digital reconstruction based on historical sources is taught along with visualization of lost architecture. The topic is the architecture of wooden synagogues in the former Republic of Poland, destroyed during World War II, documented in the collection of the Department of Polish Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology during the interwar inventory. As part of the course, students learn to critically examine historical sources, and 3D modelling on the basis of pictorial representation. Interpretation of sources and hypothetical reconstruction aims to convey the method of digital reconstruction as a research tool and to highlight the potential and challenges in the context of the growing demands of the Digital Humanities. Students thus learn about architectural history, 3D modelling and visualisation through analysis and interpretation of sources. An important topic of the course is the issues of data interoperability, documentation and publication of digital 3D models for far-reaching applications in the fields of urban planning, city management, tourism, etc., among others. (digital city models, AR and VR technologies).

Acronym Name Type Time Span
PL 3DREKO-1 3D Reconstruction of Synagogues: Elective Seminar for 8th semester in Architecture Studies at the Warsaw University of Technology, Summer Semester 2021/2022 Seminar (students) 2022-03-17 - 2022-05-19

Digital reconstructions
Prefix Object Time Frame Dataset License Authors Supporters
SyVo_1929-1941 Volpa Synagogue 1929-1941 Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC-BY-NC-SA)
SyAs1918-1939-AlK Synagogue of Ashmyany 1918-1939 Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC-BY-NC-SA)
